Why do we need for insurance

We’ve all heard the horror stories—people we know (or maybe only heard of) who go into the hospital and leave with mountains of medical bills. If you don’t have health insurance, those stories can sure get you thinking, Do I need health insurance?

The answer—yes! Health insurance has a reputation for being expensive and confusing, but it can also be the only thing standing between you and financial disaster if you ever need medical care. And, oddly enough, health insurance can also be good for your health.

Let’s take a closer look at how health insurance reduces your financial and medical risk.

10 Reason, why we need for insurance

1.      Insurance helps you protect your assets.

We all value and protect the things we love. Insurance helps you protect them. Protecting your assets helps ensure continuity of normal life should the worst happen. Burst pipes? Leaking roof? Or maybe a reckless driver rammed his bumper into the back of your car? Insurance covers you against those everyday risks.

2.      Insurance helps protect your greatest asset: you and your family.

Insurance is your gift to those you love. It helps you to provide for them and prioritize their well-being. With insurance, you can afford to offer yourself and your loved ones the best medical care, legal support, education, and quality of life.

3.      Insurance gives you peace of mind.

Take the analogy of the house for example; a beautiful newly built home going up in flames and having to start over again (and not even knowing how). That’s enough to keep anyone up at night. Wouldn’t it be better if you knew all was taken care of instead? Getting insured helps remove that burden of worry and replaces it with the confidence to live life with freedom.

4.      Insurance helps provide for your medical needs.

Getting health cover, or what we know as medical aid here in Eswatini, allows you to pay for medical bills and afford quality healthcare services. With our United Health Insurance offering cover for hospital stays, treatment, and even dental and vision benefits, you’re able to lead a happy and healthy life that’s well provided for.

5.      Insurance helps you protect yourself from legal issues.

Legal cover is one of our most valued products at United Holdings. This is because we understand that legal issues can arise at any time and are often both emotionally and financially taxing. The legal cover assists when you need it most, make legal counsel, consultation, and representation more easily accessible.

6.      Insurance helps you map out your future.

You’re always better prepared. Insurance grants you the opportunity to map out the life you want and be able to sustain it. It’s the safety net around you and everything that means the world to you. It helps you work towards your goals and ambitions with a risk management mindset.



7.      Insurance gives you financial security.

As the old saying goes, the future belongs to those who prepare for it today and because none of us know what tomorrow holds, insurance offers that security for every unexpected occurrence. With access to timely payouts and the ability to get help in the face of adversity, you can find a way to move past and move forward from any financial knock.

8.      Insurance is your legacy

It is almost a poetic thing to be able to create a good future for those you love even when you’re no longer there. We all are familiar with stories of families who after the loss of a loved one, didn’t know what to do to move forward with not just the funeral but life after. Insurance offers a guarantee that even when you aren’t there, they’re taken care of.

9.      Insurance provides when you can’t.

Insurance cover can assist in times of emergency and offer you the opportunity to receive the best possible care or service without compromising due to finances. It allows you to be present in your own life while knowing that you are provided for as your needs require.

10.  Insurance protects your income from unexpected expenses.

There’s nothing worse than having your car break down or losing your car keys on holiday; an expense that you now have to pay for (and quite frankly hadn’t financially anticipated). Insurance allows you to find solutions to your problem without breaking your bank or having to make use of your savings.

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